Cassidy & Sean | Summer Old City Philadelphia Engagement

Last week I ventured into the city for this stunning summer engagement session in Old City Philadelphia at Race Street Pier and Elfreth’s Alley! With the heat we’ve been having this summer, I was definitely worried it would be unbearably hot, but we ended up with the best night of the week :) I loved finally getting to meet these two and spending a little time with them and I can’t wait to see them again next year for their wedding!! 

How They Met

My husband and I met when we were in high school, so I have a very special place in my heart for couples who have known each other since they were younger. Cassidy and Sean definitely have us beat though… they met in FIFTH grade!! Sean played football with Cassidy’s cousin who became his best friend. Neither of them can really pinpoint an “first date” since they started dating in sixth grade. There were many walks around town and most notably walks where they found a honeysuckle bush and indulged with the nectar. Over 10 years later and they still get excited when they see a honeysuckle bush.

The Proposal

Last October Sean took Cassidy to Storm King Art Center for a special date to have some much needed time together. They walked around before deciding on a spot for a picnic. Sean set out the blanket and then started pulling out a bunch of meaningful foods. He had Cassidy’s favorite macaroni salad, movie theater candies, the same hummus from a road trip and a favorite dessert they used to make together. When the sun came out from behind the clouds Sean told Cassidy he had one more thing. He stood her up before getting down on one knee and asked her to be his wife!

Their Summer Old City Philadelphia Engagement

Oh man, the summer light that graced us for this engagement session in Old City was so perfect. Race Street Pier was so dreamy and Cassidy and Sean’s outfits were absolutely on point! It is so obvious how comfortable these two are with each other, and it just really shows how deep their love goes. I tried my hardest to get embarrassing stories from their younger years but since there have been so many better memories more recently, I didn’t get any embarrassing ones :P I’ll be looking forward to hearing some from family at the wedding!! :) 

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I'm a Pennsylvania wedding photographer based in Gettysburg, PA. Welcome to our online home! Here you'll find some Gettysburg and Philadelphia wedding inspiration, real engagements & weddings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware, and even a few resources as you plan your wedding! You might just get to know a little more about me, my husband, our little ones and my love for Pepsi.


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